Named after the famed electronics shopping district in central Tokyo, Akihabara provides a sleek, modern presentation for selling your high-tech products. Using a 960 Grid System layout, the theme clearly showcases anything from cameras to medical equipment.
The homepage provides three levels of product presentation: a main image slider, a featured products section and a secondary products section. The image slider is the first element to capture the customer’s attention with its large product images and the ability to click through slides to view more great products. Complementary to the page’s sleek design, images smoothly slide back and forth as the viewer clicks through the slideshow.
On the product pages, free Lightbox gallery integration is included to display large images of your items. Tabs at the bottom of each product page provide a compact alternative to Magento’s default layout for organizing product details. Instead of scrolling through sections of product information, the viewer simply clicks the appropriate tab. A tab may also come in handy for a product review section. Tabs can be added or deleted – you won’t be left displaying empty, unused tabs.